Thursday, June 23, 2016

Is It Safer to Pull Out, or Stay In?

image taken from
The first thing that cums into my head whenever this topic is brought up is....why the hell would anyone, ever, want to leave the European Union? It standardizes rights, gives countries fiscal support in times of need (ahem...Greece), it ensures allies in case of a major attack (like the Paris terrorist attack) and it brokers peace across the entire continent. Not to mention the major economic benefits the UK gets from the EU countries, like trade, university funding, scientific funding, etc.

image taken from
So...why leave? I wish America could be part of a similar kind of group. I think it helps keep all the member countries accountable for their actions and makes each country more stable as a whole.  I know that the proponents of the "Out" side say that they dislike the lack of British input into European Union laws, the excess taxes (feminine hygiene product tax for instance) and the implied lack of sovereignty it gives the UK.

But GB isn't the powerhouse it was in the 1800's. England couldn't afford to risk cutting ties with all the EU member countries. And believe me, it will sure piss off more than a few of the members. NO ONE HAS EVER LEFT THE EUROPEAN UNION. There is a reason for that. AND

image taken from
If GB really has an issue with finishing in the EU, then lawmakers should look into other forms of protection, such as abstaining as much as possible from EU involvement without actually leaving (Abstinence). Or working on creating more barriers for individual countries within the EU so they have more freedom of choice and personal protection. (Condoms/Birth Control).

Bottom line is, I am not a fan of the GB pull out method. It is unreliable, unpredictable, not always performed correctly, and it sabotages the end game. GB will not reach it's political, economic, social and personal climax without the assistance of the European Union. In my humble American opinion, the UK needs to keep itself buried deep in the EU.

I think this is an apt song for the whole situation:

***all bad and inappropriate puns were intended, if you found any of this post offense, I apologise...but come was funny

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fatty McFatCountry

Something that my homeland is known for universally around the world is being fat. In China, people all thought Americans were huge and my family was the exception. In France, we were the pun of many a fat joke. And in England, it is the #1 biggest (haha) flaw people call America out on, aside from gun control.

I constantly hear about America's obesity epidemic. I am mocked for my unhealthy eating habits, and how "American" that is of me. My massive sweet tooth is because I'm from the States. Everyone in the US is fat, blah blah blah. Sometimes I almost feel as if I am being held responsible for the weight of my fellow Americans.

I've been getting really sick of it lately. Yes, American's CAN be fat. But is the entire population?? No! Should we live healthier lifestyles, yeah if we can. But America is a huge country, it is unfair to attribute all 50 states with being fat. Especially because the size of our country is part of the problem (I think). We are a car based society, in Europe and Asia people walk a lot and burn more calories. But when I worked in the US I had to drive a 50 mile round trip to get to work, every single day. There were no buses, trams, trains or subways that could get me there. It wasn't feasible to walk. So I had to drive.

The most important thing that I constantly feel the need to point out when people call my birthplace "Fat" is that the UK isn't far behind us in obesity rates. In fact England is the second most obese developed country. So really, who are the Brits to mock?

I will probably write more on this topic later, about how America has a very large and dominant fat stereotype that is blown out of proportion. But for now, I will leave you all with this,

The worth of a country is not determined by the weight of it's people. America and Americans are no less valuable than the British because we happened to have a little more curves. Stop body shaming my country!!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bugs, Spiders, and a Case of Mistaken Identity

The differences between the USA and UK never cease to amaze me. I have lived in England for nearly two years now (my oh my, how time has flown!) and just when I think I understand all our differences, I am once again, surprised!

It is June, and it's as close as Great Britain can get to summer weather. Which naturally means that the bugs have come out to play.

(One quick observation is that England has far fewer bugs than America and even less poisonous ones. They literally have no poisonous spiders, no Black Widows, no Brown Recluses, all normal non deadly critters.)

During the day we leave our windows open to cool the house down, so a few bugs manage to slip in. Tonight one happened to be flying around my room. My partner told me to kill the "Daddy Long Legs". I looked around, and didn't see a daddy long legs in sight.

My partner again pointed to the wall and said kill it. I finally noticed that he was pointing to what I would call a mosquito, the giant ones that don't really bite or sting but fly around annoyingly. I proceeded to laugh and inform them that it wasn't a Daddy Long Legs which I know of as a spider, but a mosquito.

This led to a heated argument over the proper scientific name of this specific insect. (Which I never got around to killing) When we were unable to agree, I turned to the most reliable source or information, Google.

Turns out, both of us were wrong. A Daddy Long Legs is neither a spider, or the mosquito like thing. In England they do actually call the flying thing a Daddy Long Legs, but it is in fact a Crane Fly. And in America, we think Daddy Long Legs are spiders, but are actually Harvestmen. and are not a spider.

Rest Yo'Self

Frequently when I am reading fitness posts, blogs, etc. rest periods are not mentioned enough!! I'm not referring to a rest day or two, ...