Sunday, December 20, 2015

Have a Ball Busting Good Time

This is another one of the many Englishisms I come across in my daily life. However, today's doesn't involve me getting confused, but rather an American friend of mine.

I decorated my ceiling and tree with Christmas balls, and one of my housemates kept repeating that he wants to buy 200 more "baubles" to round out our hanging Christmas look. American 2 (that is what she shall be called as I am American 1 in my house) was continually confused, until she finally worked up the courage to ask me

"What are Christmas baubles?"

An added side note is that she is Jewish and from Boston. Anyway, I explained they were the same thing as Christmas balls, then proceeded to say Christmas BAHBLES in a Boston accent.

A look of understanding dawned on her face our American British confusion was solved.

Christmas baubles=Christmas balls, or bahbles

Friday, December 11, 2015

Odd Holiday Treats and Where to Find Them

Parsnip chips?!!!!
Walking into any American supermarket in mid-November or December, customers are welcomed with a bombardment of "limited edition" special, seasonal flavors on their favorite food. We offer Candy Cane ice cream (which should be no different than peppermint flavor but somehow is), eggnog (a mysterious thing unheard of in the UK), Holiday M&M's, and so many other wonderful food options designed to get us in the holiday spirit. I always LOVED December grocery shopping because I could get so many of my favorite things in new flavors.

Living in the UK is not exactly the same thing....somehow...holidays are dialed down here. In America we celebrate Christmas like there will never be another, whereas the British observe it more quietly as just a semi special day out of the year. The stores do not go all out in decorations like Walmart or Kohls in the U.S. They do not offer eggnog (heartbreak!), and their holiday food specialities are rather limited.

Surprisingly tasted ok.......
In America, I would say our Christmas food centers around sweet things. In the UK they actually offer seasonal, Brie and Cranberry flavored chips/crisps. Or gingerbread popcorn?! As a country the British lean more towards the savory than sweet. I will allow that they seem to become possessed with the idea of eating mince pies and christmas puddings...which are really just like fruit cake and not all that unhealthy...If I am going to eat a dessert I want it to be smothered in chocolate and drowned in carmel...not baked with raisins and sultanas with a dash of custard like a Christmas pudding.

But to each their own and, by now I shouldn't be shocked that I prefer the American way of having holiday food.

Here is a link listing this year's truly desirable American treats,,20964493,00.html#30422731

Personally I am a fan of all the hot chocolate flavored things! Hot chocolate is a staple in my beverage diet.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Tongue Twisters and Mispronunciations in England

I have known two British Craig's for over a year now. We met in our sport and have been spending time together on a regular basis for over 12 months. So imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago, when discussing one of the Craig's, my housemates corrected my pronunciation.

I was saying "Craig" like Craigslist or Greg with a C.

Apparently it is meant to be "Craig" like Craaaag, a hard A.

I didn't believe them, how could I have possible been mispronouncing multiple people's name for over 365 days?? There is no way that the Craig's and all of my friends would allow me to say someone's name wrong for that long!

So next time I saw a Craig, I asked. "Have I been saying your name wrong?" He looked at me with an...obviously....face and said "Yea you have".

Talk about awkward, I probably turned several shades of red and maroon, then finally sputtered an apology out.

I've tried to correct my pronunciation, but in the American way...I still mostly say Craig like Greg...and I guess the Craigs and I will have to learn to deal with it.

Still it was not a proud moment for me :/

Rest Yo'Self

Frequently when I am reading fitness posts, blogs, etc. rest periods are not mentioned enough!! I'm not referring to a rest day or two, ...