Monday, July 6, 2015

Independance Day in the UK, USA and China

I have now celebrated 4th of July on 3 continents, and I have to say the best ones by far are the ones I spend in America. For fun, today's blog will be a comparision of my Independence Day spent in America, England and China.

sparklers on Lummi Island
America: I have spent 18 of my 4th of July holidays in America. Something I have always done, every year, without fail, is sparklers. They are the least dangerous of the fireworks, and I am forever trying to capture on film me spelling my name. I have yet to succeed. The warning people see all over the internet about the danger of fireworks are true though, when I was about 12, I had a buffalo bomb go off in my hand. Luckily no fingers were lost, just a numbness for the rest of that night. 4th of July usually meant eating hot dogs or hamburgers at a BBQ and almost always included jello. I would watch a firework display over the ocean on Lummi Island, and it always meant spending time with my family. American 4th of July was full of food and fun! And it really made me homesick to not be there this year :/
Red, White and Blue me in England

My 4th of July feast 2015
England: I have spent 1 of my 4th of July's in the UK. This was the first time I haven't spent the 4th with my family. This year I didn't get a BBQ or hot dogs. Instead I went to an American food shop in Leamington, bought about twenty pounds worth of candy and made Kraft mac and cheese. I also went to see Jurassic World in 3D. There were no fireworks, and it wasn't really much of a celebration.

China: I have spent 3 of my 4th of July's in China. When I celebrated in China I was always with my family. Buying American food was always a challenge, so on holidays (like Christmas) we would go to either a pizza buffet or KFC. I recall that on the 4th of July we usually had KFC because fried chicken is as American as you can get. We didn't do fireworks in China. But it felt much more like a holiday because I was with my family.

Chinese wish lantern that I let in Missouri 

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