Thursday, August 4, 2016

A Very Harry Potter Week

My academic look
This will be my first book review on the blog, and I will keep it brief. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is amazing, awesome, fabulous, and any other adjective for great that you can imagine. J. K. Rowling never ceases to surprise with the wonderful twists and turns she can develop in her magic wizarding world. I love that she opted to bring in some characters that were more on the fringe in the series, such as Draco Malfoy. It was an added benefit that he was portrayed in an admirable light. Furthermore, Rowling played on the classic father son struggle that was lacking from the series. Parents were finally allowed a role in the book instead of just being ghosts hanging around. It lent a sense of reality to the book. Plus she included several modern aspects such as diet’s (Harry’s forbidden sugar), Ron’s weight gain, etc.

I admit that the script style of the book was hard to adjust to, because of it I felt that there was less background descriptions and ambience to the story. But those details will be left to the director and crew of the play. I will say that this book hasn’t beaten out Book 5 as my favorite, but it was still a wonderful addition to the Harry Potter collection.

Now for some UK-USA differences
The first book is called ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ in America. In England it’s actual title is ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’. But publishers didn’t think that would be as popular in America so that was changed. Wonder how J.K felt about that?

England got ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ first!!! I had it read before my friends and family in America could even get their hands on a copy. Ha Ha! A benefit to living in the UK. We got the book first, but we usually get American films and TV shows much later.

Hermione is pronounced wrong in America. It is supposed to be Her-moy-i-knee.

I always thought the names in the book were common to J.K Rowling’s birthplace, and were typical British names…not so. I have met very few Ron’s, no Hermione’s, no Harry’s, no Neville’s and no Draco’s. Now I have come across plenty of Fred and George’s. 

I'm a Buzzfeed Lover so I believe this is worth browsing through

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