Sunday, July 30, 2017

Donald Trumped The Troops

image taken from
Trump really put his foot into it this week, in more ways than one. But, it ceases to surprise me all the different ways he manages to make an embarrassment of himself and my country. In this week’s news and tweets (because for Trump, tweets are the best way to let the country know where things stand, not via a verified well drafted press release) Trump has announced that he plans to ban trans-gendered/transsexual people from the military. This brings up several very important questions.

Can he do this?

No. People assume that the Presidents word is law when it comes to the military, because he is technically the Commander in Chief. But it isn’t! The President can declare war, and send troops to a location, but only for a limited amount of time before the decision has to be approved by Congress. Most other military decisions require more than just the President’s say so. Therefore, what Trump says has no bearing on what will actually happen. It only causes uproar.

Why would Trump want to do this?

I don’t have an answer to this question. I wish I did, but I rarely can understand the logic behind Trump’s political decisions. It appears to me that he follows the shock and scare tactic of media management. Meaning he likes uses shocking statements and policies to surprise his citizens, and maybe even scare some of them into obeying. I truly believe that in Trumps mind, the only way for him to remain President is to continuously Tweet scandalous, ludicrous things to keep attention on him. Without social media, Trump would be nothing.

What will the military do?

image taken from
A quick look at the American military. It allows men and women to fight in active combat. It allows openly gay people to fight. It allows 18 year old’s, fresh out of high school to fight. Basically, the US military will take anyone willing to participate. The American military is what made the USA a super power in the world. It helped win WW2, and has been involved in conflicts on almost every major landmass on earth. Ask any foreigner, America and military might are synonymous with each other. (Although a lot of foreigners don’t view that in a good way, many think that Americans are too violent

The American military won’t be able to stay as strong as it currently is if Trump’s decision to oust trans-gendered/transsexuals from the ranks is actually put into law. It won’t only remove that specific group of people, but liberals within the military might leave out of protest. New recruits probably will think twice before signing up to join an group that will remove it’s own members as soon as an overly tan, under qualified Trump says so. To follow Trumps lead on this issue would cost the military dearly. And I don't think the military has the cash or credit to pay that bill. 

Bottom Line
 Like with many of the ridiculous tweets and things Trump says, this to will result in nothing. The scandal this would cause the military isn't worth saving a few penny's on the medical treatment for its trans-gendered/transsexual personnel. Trump is like the mean girl in high school, he needs  headlines and gossip to keep him relevant. 

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