Sunday, July 23, 2017

Free Fitness Routine Review: I Try the Stuff Out So You Don't Have To

Free Fitness Workout Review: I Do the Hard Work So You Don’t Have To

Host: Fitness Blender (I love these guys!!!)

Video: 50 Minute Cardio Kickboxing & Abs Workout for Stress Relief & Fat Burning Cardio

Exercise Type: This is a boxing workout with ab intervals. You do 2 rounds of boxing and 3 rounds of abs. But don’t let that fool you, the 2 boxing intervals are insanely hard! You do 5 different boxing combinations on both your right and left side, which makes it 10 moves per boxing interval. By the time that part is done, you are dying for an ab interval. But the abs never last long enough, so you are back up on your feet before you are ready.

Review: I loved, loved, loved this workout. But it was totally exhausting, I was bent over, clutching my ribs, I was so out of breath. I completely soaked my clothes, which is disgusting but true. I enjoyed that it was very cardio intensive, but it didn’t involve any running or a whole lot of feet movement (aside from knee up and kicks). I have bad knees so sometimes doing a lot of butt kickers, or lunges can get painful. 
It was also a great way to work out some aggression, I did this workout on the Saturday after a really bad week, so I had a lot of anger ready to explode. By the end of this routine, it was all gone! Don’t underestimate how empowering it feels to punch thin air a 100 times, I felt like Wonder Woman! The ab intervals were a good challenge, they worked all portions of my stomach, obliques, back, top and bottom abs. The routine also include a warm up and cool down, so don’t let the 50 minutes time intimidate you, it was actually very doable. I was panting at the end, but I didn’t feel like my legs were about to give out. If you ever come home from work angry (like I do almost every day), do this routine! One hour of boxing and you feel like a new person.

Favorite Move: It was actually really hard to pick one. I think that I enjoyed the front kick-knee- 2 upper cut combination. It took a few attempts to get the rhythm of the move, but once I had the series down, I was loving it. On the front kicks I would even do an extra little jump, just because it made me feel like a ninja. I was kicking some serious bad guy ass on this combination!

Hardest Move: The hardest move also come from the cardio kickboxing intervals. The ab training was very manageable and were all familiar moves so I didn’t struggle. The hardest move was an upper cut-upper cut-knee-knee combination. I could not get the hang of this combo! I think because it focused entirely on my left side, then my right. It made me feel very off balance in my stance. Furthermore, doing the knee-knee move twice was awkward and challenging. This move wasn’t hard because it was physically exhausting, it was hard because it took a lot of concentration for me to keep doing the moves in the correct order. (the trainers at Fitness Blender always say its the moves that make you think are best, but I disagree) I like to focus more on the sequence of movements rather than my muscles to make sure I was giving it my all.

Rating: 9/10. There isn’t much I would change about this video! I really liked it, and will be doing it again. My only edits would be for the workout to be explained more clearly in the beginning. I had no warning that the boxing interval was 5 moves all on my left side, then the same 5 moves on my right. So, I went all in the first 5 moves thinking it would be done after that, and I had 5 more to do! 

Otherwise, I loved this video. It kept a good pace, and was a nice mixture of arm punching moves and legs. The ab intervals provided a nice rest, and it focused on an area I’m always trying to improve. In terms of difficulty, I would say this video is a 7/10, so only do this on a day when you have a lot of energy because it requires it! I save the longer 50-60 minute workouts for my weekends when I don’t have work to go to or come home from. I just don’t have the energy to do a long workout and my job because I’m always on my feet at work.

Do this video! It is wonderfully tiring and it helps if you picture someone you hate when you punch and kick. I picture some of my colleagues and a rich girl I know who drives me crazy. It really helps you put in more effort to the workout, so you burn more calories and get more strength!

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